Looking ahead...just a bit

August 22, 2024

Looking ahead...just a bit

It's hard to believe the middle of August is in the rearview mirror. This month has flown! We've been busy bees gearing up for September and a new way of doing things over here at October House headquarters.

Beginning in September, we'll be a two-person operation! My husband, Jimmy, will be retired from his job of 24 years and will be working with me full-time going forward. He's been part-time for a few years now as October House has grown, but he will be taking over the bookkeeping, pattern production and shipping on a full-time basis. He'll also be working with shops and distributors. 

Looking ahead...just a bit - October House Fiber Arts Journal - August 2024

I'm sure as we get used to our new routine (and new studio!) we'll figure out what we both prefer and the best ways to do things. We're also looking forward to having more time for gardening, walking, antique hunting and who knows what  :) 

Hopefully, having two full-time partners will actually mean that we both get to be a little more "part-time" most weeks of the year. Jimmy plays a lot of musical instruments and he's looking forward to more time for playing. He's playing one of his hammered dulcimers among the irises in the photo above.

I'm hoping for more sewing time, especially now that I have a separate "sewing only" sewing room. (That was one of the unexpected benefits of our studio re-do. We combined our guest room and a room we use for our library into one. The guest room became my sewing room and a nice big closet for extra October House inventory, packaging and supplies.)

Once all the dust settles and everything is a little more finished (I'm still looking for a desk) I'll be sharing some photos of our new spaces. But for now, we are counting down the days!

Looking ahead...just a bit - October House Fiber Arts Journal - August 2024


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