How about a Summer Picnic?

June 14, 2022

How about a Summer Picnic?

I've been having a ton of fun playing with my fabric stash lately, and it inspired a little idea for the yarny side of my shop.

I've been wanting to make a new mini skein set...something summery and colorful. While I was digging around in my fabric stash, I found a fabric bundle that was the perfect complement to the minis I was working on.

So I decided to combine the two! I've been busy making project bags that are just made for my newest mini skein set "Summer Picnic." 

I've made a few different types including a classic zip and a couple of sizes of drawstring bags. 

My goal was to use as much of the fabric as possible, so I also made a few patchwork bags and even a few "quilt-as-you-go" chevron bags. The patchwork and the chevrons take a good while to make, but I'm hoping a few knitters will want to buy a well-made, handmade (with love) project bag. They are awfully adorable!

Everything will go on sale this Thursday, June 16 at 9am CDT. Just in time to celebrate the official start of summer!

Summer Picnic collection - October House Fiber Arts


How about a Summer Picnic? - October House Fiber Arts

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