Highlights #2 - they need a little love

January 11, 2022

Highlights #2 - they need a little love

Well, I promised I would reveal the new design from 2021 that got the least amount of love. And that is:

Highlights #2 - they need a little love - October House Fiber Arts Journal

Knit Every Day. 

Bless it's heart...I really like it. It's not as though no one liked it. It appeals to knitters and it's small and quick to stitch. But there's no denying it came in last on the list of sales. 

In hindsight, I kinda wish I would've finished it into a small pillow (and I may still do that). I personally think it would make a great project bag design. There's even a bonus chart of a smaller basket and needles which would make a great scissor fob.

Alas, it seems there's always a design each year that feels a bit like the unloved step-child of the new designs. Knit Every Day was the one this year. 

And to keep with the theme of eating my share of humble pie... Last year's was Maggie's Basket.

Highlights #2 - they need a little love - October House Fiber Arts Journal

You may say I'm guilty of praising my own children, so to speak, but that's just stinkin' cute! C'mon!

And look at that adorable little scissor fob. Tots adorbs, I tell ya:)


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